People do parachuting for one of the following reasons:
- There's an aircraft emergency, the plane is going to crash.
- Military forces are needed in the battlefield, but there's no nearby safe airdrome.
- There's a big fire in the woods, forest firefighters are delivered to control the fire.
- Because they want to do so, period.
Since I'm not a brave soldier, not a brave firefighter, and none of my flights had an emergency, I just did it because I wanted to.
You have to schedule your jump weeks early, many people got into the habit of throwing themselves off planes nowadays. You go half an hour early, read a 20 page disclaimer about how unsafe sport parachuting is and about their being humans who sometimes make mistakes, and about their being unaccountable in case there's an accident in which you got injured or killed while parachuting. I felt so stupid signing off this document.
Then, they give you a 10-minute training on what's going to happen in the aircraft, how your body should be shaped in the air, how to open the parachute, and how to approach the land on arrival. I was supposed to go in a group of four. However, it seems like the HSBC bank decided this is too risky, and refused to authorize my payment. So, after we went out and wore the skydiving suit waiting for our plane, the receptionist ran out telling me she's very sorry but I cannot get on board before they secure my payment. I tried to explain to her that a friend of mine is on his way and will pay it for me, but she insisted and my group left without me! You believe that! How rude!
As a Muslim, I believe that Allah knows what’s better for me. So, I convinced myself that what happened is better for me, somehow. I took off my suit, and dialed my friend Emad -an Egyptian gentleman in Microsoft- telling him that my jump was canceled and asking him to come early to pick me back to my hotel. He generously offered paying my bill on the phone, and that was OK by the receptionist. Although I missed my plane, another aircraft went up just for my sake, and I was blessed a jump at the sunset, which is said to be the best time for a jump.
LET THE FUN BEGIN! My Russian instructor Vladimir was very funny. He makes his life by jumping 10 times daily, and he keeps enjoying it. The pilot of our little plane was a nice American lady. The plane went up. Ammar: OK that's good let's jump now. Vladimir: that's only 3,000 feet, we can't jump from here. After a while, Ammar: all right, that's too high already, let's do it! Vladimir: not yet, we will be jumping at 13,000 feet (~2.5 miles) altitude! Well, I have to admit it gets scary over here.. Ten minutes after taking off, our pilot said it's time. So, I opened the door, and looked down, it was really scary. I had no idea I would be THAT high. The scene, looking down through the plane's door was something like this photo to the right. I could easily see the lake of Washington, Redmond, and other cities, but they were too small. How to make sure I'm not going to reach the ground above this train rails! I put my left foot on the plane's stairs and jumped towards the tail.

It took me a while before I managed to stop rolling over. We flattened our body shapes to allow for greater air resistance giving us the feeling of flying. It was like a fire hose of air opened in your face. It was a lot of adrenaline, probably the highest rate of adrenaline in my blood ever. The thirty seconds of freefalling went like minutes-long.
Now comes the calm and fascinating part of the journey to the surface of the Earth. Vladimir opened the parachute and taught me how to use the parachute handle to turn right and left, and how to hold almost-still in the air. I liked the relaxation and control in the parachute. It took us like 5 minutes to reach the ground at the Harvey field.
Overall, the experience was incredible, was intriguing. I did it in US cuz I thought that would be more safe. However, if you're in Egypt and would like to give it a try, The Egyptian Sport Parachuting & Aeronautic Federation offers parachuting for civilians. Parachuting means to jump with the parachute. Skydiving means to free-fall for sometime before opening the parachute. A tandem jump means jumping with an instructor (like I did).
Just browsing through to view Blogs. Waving hello from N.Y. I totally want to try Skydiving! How was the experience? :-)
It's definitely worth trying. Thanks for passing by, Memo.
WOW !!
I believe it was a wonderful feeling :-)
3o2baly soon :P in shaa AllAH
Really thanks Waleed, I enjoyed reading this post a lot.
Here we found a writer in our family, keep it up waleed :)
I hope to write about my trips and my first day in Canada but don't have time or good words. I'm happy you can do that :)
Waleed my crazy Best Friend :D
amazing , I am very happy for you my friend to achive one of your dreams ,,
I need to talk to you and ask you million question about this totally CRAZY trip ..
Dina A .: I'm very impressed for 2 reasons . The first is that your English expression is excellent. The second reason is that( although I believe that jumping out of an airplane for no reason at all is probably more on the stupid than the brave side)I am impressed with your bravery to challenge yourself with something new and to be persistent all the way through it ( I would have probably taken it as a sign from God that HE doesn't want me jumping out of airplanes when the money wasn't payed by HSBC !! and gladly went home :)) Anyway , really ya Waleed congratulations on this I believe that now you should be convinced you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. Take care and please don't jump our of anymore planes ! :)
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